Chapter 1

Ending of my drama

5 : 0 0

I was perched up against the wall of a local café in Busan, sipping my coffee as I attentively watched a young man from across from me, who was in the midst of taking down a customer's order.
He was the same waiter who served me my drink, flashing me a smile so bright and warm— it would make even the sun jealous.

He has no memory of what had happened. Of course, how could he.

I finished my cup and got up from my seat. Before leaving, I placed the watch on the table along with a note that read: 'Find me.'

I made my way out of the small shop and hid myself in the nearest alleyway. 

A few moments later, I saw him hurry out of the café, His eyes darting in every direction. In his hands, clutched, were the watch and my note. 

It seems that my plan had worked. 

I waited for him to go back inside before I looked within my coat for my pocket watch. Which blinked: '5:14'

'Perfect,' I thought to myself. As I head out from my hiding spot and walked up to the front of the cafe, slowing my pace as I got closer. I stopped at the glass door and took out a note that said: 'Meet me after work.'

I stuck it on the glass and went on my way, not looking back nor checking to see if he saw it.

From here on, it's his choice now. I just have to pray that he goes along with it. 


I went back to the café. There I saw him seeming confused and unaware of his surroundings.

'He already used it, I see.' I thought, knowing there was no going back now. 

"Excuse me." I said, approaching the boy. "It seems I have forgotten something here earlier." 

"H-Hello!" He stuttered then staggered into a bow. 

"Um...Could t-this be yours?" he offers and hands me the watch. 

"Ah, yes. I did leave it here. Thank you." I smiled, taking the watch from him. My eyes tracing a scar on his palm. 

'I guess you do carry somethings from the past.' I snapped out of my thoughts and faced him. 

"My name is Choi Hyunsik. Thank you again, for taking care of the watch for me." I said. 

"It was no problem!" he exclaimed. "I'm Lim Minok. Um...could I ask you something?" he paused, waiting for my response.

"Of course, what is it?"

'Is he going to ask about the watch?' I hoped. 

Instead, he asks. "Are you...the person who left the note on the front door?"

I was a bit taken back by the question, nevertheless, I answered. "Yes, it was. I apologize if it seemed weird, I just didn't know how to talk to you then..." 

"Oh no, not at all!" he reassured. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" 

I paused, innernally working up the courage to speak. 'Here goes nothing!'
"I wanted to know if, maybe, you wanted to hang out sometime?" I asked, fiddling with my hands. "Like, getting to know each other and all.." I waited in anticipation for his answer. 

"Oh.." He seemed to be in thought for awhile, before beaming a smile, "sure! I'd love to." He held out his hand, wanting for me to shake it. I reached out in similar fashion but later regretted it as the gesture nearly made my arm fall off. 

I guess this is how my mission starts. . .


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